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The heart of the AIM model

The AIM model is based on 3 phases : Design, Prove & Scale. Each phase corresponds to a set of activities to be adapted according to the context and the problem.
This sequencing in 3 phases makes it possible to move forward in a pragmatic way to provide rapid and tactical responses before scaling up.
Schéma Design-Prove-Scale_Plan de travail 1.png


The user-centered approach allows us to understand the problem in its entirety in order to highlight all the variables, conscious and unconscious, which influence experiences. The Design phase is based on this approach, combining it with an 

iterative approach in the collection data, then the prioritizating the areas and moments with the greatest impact, before co-creating pragmatic solutions with all users, collaborators, users or beneficiaries.

The main activities

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Get everyone on the same page and create group cohesion

Get inspired by benchmarking 

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Immerse yourself in the reality of the users 

Defining impact targets and understanding the interactions linked to them

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Represent and map the user experience 

Discover the subject, acculturate 

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Define the work problem

Get everyone on the same page and create group cohesion

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Define the targets and their ecosystem

Demonstrate empathy to understand users and their needs

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Create solutions with users

Designing solutions for and with those who need them

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Conduct research on the issue

Frame the problem on
which one to work

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Align & engage actors

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Prioritise the solutions devised

Choose to work on the most viable solutions



The Prove phase aims to quickly confront the co-created solutions with the reality on the ground in order to refine and improve them.
This continuous experimentation, at the heart of the philosophy of the AIM model, makes it possible to build an Agile framework with test pilots in small areas or teams.

Thanks to this pilot, test and impact measurement phase, it will be possible to scale up the approach and part of the solutions to deploy a more global change to other teams or other areas.

The main activities

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Prototyping the selected solutions

Quickly test solutions to get feedback and continuously improve

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Build sustainable partnerships

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Deploy step by step

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Test and improve the solutions

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Build the working framework

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Define and set up the tools

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Formalise a project/programme

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Define indicators and measure impact on an ongoing basis

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points


The Scale phase makes it possible to define and implement a strategy for scaling up the approach and the proposed solutions, while taking into account the specificities of future teams or deployment areas.
By building on what already exists, the activities make it possible to accelerate the provision of solutions while measuring the impact.

Thus, the philosophy of continuous improvement, but also the working environment, must evolve to take into account these new dimensions. In addition, close support of all beneficiaries, users or users is essential to share AIM's philosophy but above all to guarantee the adoption of field solutions.

The main activities

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Define the scaling up strategy

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Communicate widely on the projects and the model

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Supporting adoption 

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Involve target teams to prioritise and contextualise the solutions to be deployed

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

Modèle -55.png

Continuously improving the framework and solutions  to scale up 

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

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Enrich existing partnerships

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points

Modèle -52.png

Implementing continous improvements tools at scale

Synthesize the research of experiences to reveal the blocking points


Discover some concrete applications

Saegus developed the AIM model. To share your feedback or remarks with us, send us an email or join our accelerator community.
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