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Improving maternal and neonatal health in Senegal

The history of the Rawal Ak Diam platform

Some numbers


Interviews with beneficiaries (women and local actors) carried out


solutions co-created and prioritized within an innovative program


international experts in maternal and child health met


Launched and autonomous platform on 2 pilot areas

The finding
For 10 years, the Sanofi Espoir Foundation has been actively fighting for maternal and neonatal health in developing countries. But despite the resources and funding invested in these programs, the impact remained mixed.

The meeting & the place
The Sanofi Espoir Foundation launched in 2018, in partnership with the NGO Artemedis and the ConsulTech Saegus, a pilot in Saint-Louis in Senegal. This region has a high maternal mortality rate, but with local specificities and an existing network allowing both to validate the approach of the AIM model, to put in place concrete measures and to validate their impact.

The reasoning
Women's and children's health is a complex issue that must be considered holistically, considering the whole woman's experience.
In order to reduce mortality, we must also look at other sectors that are inseparable from health, such as education, customs, transport, but also the place of women in society and their interactions with different people. throughout his journey. This is why we must approach maternal and neonatal health differently, starting from the field, and from the women themselves.

The application of the AIM model

1 - Ethnographic immersion
Exploration of maternal health and the region of Saint-Louis in Senegal with a women-centered approach

2 - Verification of analyzes
Presentation and validation of the analyzes carried out with all the actors met, in particular the women and their families to verify their adequacy with the lived reality

Let yourself be tempted by other stories

3 - Co-creation and prioritization of solutions
Co-creation with local actors, women and health professionals, of solutions with a strong local impact that will feed a new program in maternal and neonatal health

4 - Creation of a local action platform
The launch of identified and prioritized actions through a local platform, ensuring the regular monitoring of actions in an agile way and the acceleration of impact
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Saegus developed the AIM model. To share your feedback or remarks with us, send us an email or join our accelerator community.
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